Carmel Hamlet Award Program Honors the Achievement CARMEL HAMLET August 29, 2023 -- Doyle Dental has been selected for the 2023 Best of Carmel Hamlet Award in the Dentist category by the Carmel Hamlet Award Program. Each year, the Carmel Hamlet Award Program identifies companies that we believe have achieved exceptional marketing success in their local community and business category. These are local companies that enhance the positive image of small business through service to their customers and our community. These exceptional companies help make the Carmel Hamlet area a great place to live, work and play. Various sources of information were gathered and analyzed to choose the winners in each category. The 2023 Carmel Hamlet Award Program focuses on quality, not quantity. Winners are determined based on the information gathered both internally by the Carmel Hamlet Award Program and data provided by third parties. About Carmel Hamlet Award Program The Carmel Hamlet Award Program is an annual awards program honoring the achievements and accomplishments of local businesses throughout the Carmel Hamlet area. Recognition is given to those companies that have shown the ability to use their best practices and implemented programs to generate competitive advantages and long-term value. The Carmel Hamlet Award Program was established to recognize the best of local businesses in our community. Our organization works exclusively with local business owners, trade groups, professional associations and other business advertising and marketing groups. Our mission is to recognize the small business community's contributions to the U.S. economy. SOURCE: Carmel Hamlet Award Program CONTACT: Carmel Hamlet Award Program Email: PublicRelations@distinction-cities.com URL: http://www.distinction-cities.com

Dr. Dan Doyle, D.M.D., President of the Ninth District Dental Association with the Ninth District Dental Association members had a presentation by Dr. Jeremiah Lowney Jr. D.D.S., MS, MPH President and founder of the Haitian Health Foundation and E. Marilyn Lowney, MS, MPH, Executive Director of the Haitian Health Foundation at their general meeting. They discussed the mission of the HHF to bring healthcare, education and sustainable development for the impoverished people of Haiti.

Dr. Anthony Cuomo, President‐Elect of New York State Dental Association (NYSDA) and Dr. Daniel Doyle, President of the Ninth District Dental Society attended a luncheon sponsored by NYSDA and the 9th District to welcome the 4th year dental students from Touro College of Dental Medicine at New York Medical College (TCDM) Hawthorne, New York in Westchester County to the American Dental Association (ADA). The American Dental Association is the nation’s leading dental association, providing support, resources and benefits to dentists in the United States. These students will be graduating May 2023.

CPR or Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation is an emergency procedure that is performed when a heart stops beating. The American Heart Association states that performing CPR can double or triple survival after sudden cardiac arrest. Dental professionals (dentists and hygienist) in New York State are required to be certified in CPR and to take certification classes every two years to stay up to date with any new changes and techniques. Marques with Instinct Ready was our instructor this year for Doctors Dan, Dennis and Romina as well as hygienists Tracey and Jen. We refreshed our skills in detecting an emergency, performing the Heimlich maneuver and CPR for infants, children and adults. At Doyle Dental, we have an AED or automated external defibrillator, in our office. An AED detects and shocks a heart that is in ventricular fibrillation, the most common irregular heart rhythm that causes sudden cardiac arrest. We were able to practice dealing with all types of emergencies that might require the use of an AED. We strive to provide our patients with the best dental care and with our CPR training we can also provide emergency medical care if ever necessary. We were even able to have a little fun together.

The New York State Ninth District Dental Society held their annual meeting for the installation of officers on November 16, 2022. Dr. Dan, who has served on the board of governors was installed as President of the association. At the luncheon, held at Westchester Country Club, Dr. Dan was joined by some of his family members including his wife Karen, his son Matthew and daughter-in-law Melissa, his son and daughter-in-law Drs. Dennis and Romina Doyle as well as possibly the most prominent guest, his granddaughter, Sadie. Dr. Dan willingly shared the special occasion with her. He and his family, as well as those from the Dental Society, joined in wishing her a Happy Fifth Birthday with a cake and singing while she sat with her Uncle Matt.

Doyle Dental is a very unique dental office. What is normally the view from the patient’s chair at a dental office? A blank, white wall? A parking lot? Well, here in Carmel New York, you could see a bear! That’s right. At Doyle Dental in Carmel, the view from the window is a sneak peek into “Wild Kingdom” sometimes. All five operatory rooms boast a view into the backyard of our office. Whether you’re getting your teeth cleaned by the hygienist or filled by the dentist, you can observe the sights of nature in all its glory. Farthest over, in Drs. Dennis and Romina Doyle’s operatory room, you would have the best view of the calm stream that flows by. Calm until a storm that is, and then it rushes past, over the rocks that sit on the bottom of it. Dr. Dan Doyle likes to keep the birds well fed. Because of this, any birder would be well entertained by the variety in our back yard. Not only do the typical robins, cardinals, and yellow finches appear. In the fall, turkeys will saunter through the yard. In the winter, ducks will waddle on the frozen stream. You may see a great blue heron standing on the log that bridges that stream, or a hawk swoop down and up. Of course a regular supply of bird seed means we have some squirrels that are regular customers as well. We watch them scurry around and then hang upside down on the bird feeders to steal bird seed. It’s quite the funny sight, and can relax a nervous patient or two. But, every once in a while, we get a bigger customer. Last year, in the late spring/early summer, a bear appeared. It was small (as small as a bear can be), and adorable (according to us girls in the office). It looked to be about a year old, and loved the bird seed. For about two weeks, it kept coming back, either sitting in the yard, eating the bird seed on the ground, or stealing the bird feeder itself and lumbering into the woods. (Prompting Dr. Dan to run out after it, calling for his bird feeder back.) Needless to say, it was quite the distraction for doctor and patient alike. Work would halt for a few minutes and bibbed patients would stand at the windows with the staff, taking pictures on their phones. Sadly, all exciting things must come to an end. The bear (whom we never named unfortunately), has since moved on and is hopefully lumbering off into the sunset, eating bird seed to his heart’s content. So if you live in the Carmel area, love nature, and are in need of some great dentistry (and a dentist or two that could “name that bird” for you), you’re in for a treat. Doyle Dental is the place for you! Every day is a guaranteed show of woodland creatures. They just can’t help you get dressed in the morning.

We have made changes to our office to insure your safety. Plexiglas shields have been installed at our front desk. Chairs, magazines and toys have been removed from our waiting area. Our heating/air conditioning professional has installed iWave-C Commercial Air Cleaner to our office climate system. The new system kills mold, bacteria and viruses as well as reducing allergens and airborne particles. New protocols for your visit will include calling from your vehicle when you arrive at our parking lot. Patients will be instructed on when they can safely enter. A hand sanitizing station is now located next to our front door to be used prior to entering the office and non-contact infrared temperature screening at the front desk for each patient and employee. We are asking patients to wear masks into the office and if possible to bring a pen for personal use. We are looking forward to taking care of your dental health in our safe office.

And with that, a dental hygienist sticks a piece of plastic into your mouth for four or more x-rays. Most people don’t protest, but they may wonder if they’re really necessary. And if they’re safe. The words radiation and x-ray don’t exactly have a good connotation. I’m here to fix that. X-rays, (or PA’s, or bitewings, or FMX as you might hear a dentist, hygienist, or assistant say) are an important part of dental care. A mirror and explorer can only do so much to diagnose a dental issue. Cavities between teeth (which can be prevented or at least controlled by regular flossing- but that’s another blog), an infection in the root, and numerous other things can be diagnosed or more properly understood if there is an x-ray to examine. “Ok”, you might say, “a dentist can see if I need a cavity filled because of it. But between the big apron put on me, and the way they run out of the room to take it, I’m a little concerned about radiation and its effects.” The radiation level used to take dental x-rays is very low. If the x-rays are digital, the level is even lower. (Guess which kind we at Doyle Dental use?) That apron or bib that covers you protects you from the minimal amount that you will be exposed to. Think about how you may wear a kitchen apron to protect yourself while you cook even though only a little spaghetti sauce splashes on you. And why does the dentist or hygienist leave the room? Well, they aren’t wearing an apron. On top of that, throughout the day, a dentist or hygienist may take dozens of x-rays. Multiply that by 5 or 6 days a week, 52 weeks a year, the risk to them is higher. But you’re sitting underneath a protective cover, and only getting a few every year. You may ask, “When do I need them taken?” Out of the two cleaning visits per year, x-rays will be taken at one. Every five years, it’s time for an FMX, or Full Mouth Series. This involves taking more x-rays focused on more specific areas in the mouth. The more commonly taken bitewings are just a series of four, two on each side. But what if you wake up with a toothache? Well, call us at Doyle Dental, and we’ll schedule you for an appointment. At that appointment, expect the dentist to take one or two x-rays. By doing this, they can see if maybe a cavity is causing discomfort, or if there is another, more serious issue, such as an infection. Here at Doyle Dental in Carmel, we have a professional staff who are experts at taking x-rays. So don’t worry, sit back, relax, and bite. They do all the work. And if you’ve been flossing, you may have nothing to worry about… but we’ll talk about that next month. Just let them know if you have a bad gag reflex.
Dr. Dan Doyle was honored by the Putnam County Business Council today with the Trailblazer Award for excellence in economic development. A luncheon was held today at Villa Barone Mahopac, New York. “The Putnam County Business Council has been recognizing business excellence and non-profit achievement since 2011. Honoring professional achievement and civic contributions in the Putnam County community, the Trailblazer Awards represent the highest acknowledgement from professional peer judges across the county.” Putnam County Business Council. Dr. Dan is thrilled to receive this award from the Council.